It is now the end of February 2020 and I am very aware that it has been a long time since I last blogged here. Like many I have been meaning to so many times, but taking the first step back into it has been harder than I thought. Time has been one restraint, but also I have had some fear of putting a voice out there when I have seen quite a lot of arguments and negativity online recently. I figured neither are good enough reasons really so have to just bite the bullet and get on with it.
Since I was last here a lot has happened. I am still at the same school and it is changing rapidly, something I will blog about. I am now also a mother, my toddler turns 3 soon and I came back from maternity leave four days a week which has been a fantastic decision for me and my family. It has allowed me to remain as a Head of Department and feel fully part of school life, while having a precious day with my daughter to offset the large amount of evenings I have music events. The transition has not been as easy as I have just made it sound, but it is working for us right now.
Things that I plan to blog about in the next few blogs include some of my thinking about deep knowledge in music, some reflections on a recent mock deep dive experience with an HMI, some thinking about oracy in the music classroom and linking it to deep musical understanding and some thoughts about inclusion and pupil premium. I might include some bits on issues that interest me such as women in leadership, equality, well-being and parenthood if such crossover is allowed in the world of edu-blogging. Advice on that welcome!
Thoughts coming soon.