Musical process, not outcome

Classroom Pedagogy

Following on discussions and thoughts after the Assessment Conference I have been thinking a lot about the way I use assessment for learning. I can be incredibly guilty of assessing student work studiously and in great detail at the end of a project. I do not use recordings and videos enough mid project, usually as I am so conscious of time. The inevitable issue of projects culminating at the end of term when there are usually reports and concerts coming out of our ears! Students ask me ‘can we listen to our work’ and I have been known to answer….’next time’


This thought is giving me a renewed focus on key stage 3. Using Edmodo I have been recording student work regularly over the last six weeks and uploading it to class pages. This has enabled me to both have a bank of evidence of student work over a project and allow the students much better reflection on what they are doing and what they need to do next. Homework tasks now involve reviewing their work and setting targets for the next practical lesson. Students are also able to feedback to each other. Admittedly this is rather clumsy in places, but focussing on the process feels so natural and has given more space to ongoing musicianship. Will post again soon.




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